Monday, January 27, 2020
Terminology And Description Of Human Movement English Language Essay
Terminology And Description Of Human Movement English Language Essay If you have ever gone to the doctors with an injured joint or muscle, you will notice that doctors use a special terminology. When referring to the patient, for example, they might report limited range of motion or patient cannot flex forcefully or subject reports pain during abduction of the humerus. This scientific or medical type terminology has been developed over 100s of years to allow very precise and concise description of movement of human body parts. When used correctly it allows one to totally understand a movement pattern without actually being able to see it, but more importantly, it allows for correct describing of human movement. This same terminology is also used in the field of exercise science and kinesiology to describe the movements in sports, games and injuries. In this chapter we will take a detailed look at the language and terms used in human movement terminology. As we aforementioned, this specific terminology is also used in the exercise science field and throughout all healthcare professions. This specific terminology, also called nomenclature, may sound a little technical, but it helps ensure that we know exactly what someone means and there is little room for discrepancy. For example, one could say the soccer player was swinging her leg. By this we could mean swinging front to back or side to side whereas if we say flexion and extension of the femur we would realize this meant swinging from front to back. There is a comprehensive list of movement terminology that basically allows us to describe every movement in our body and we even have specific terms that are used only with particular body parts. For example, our feet and hands have specific terminology such as plantar flexion and ulnar deviation. We will look at this terminology in detail to allow us to be able to fully describe the vast majority of basic human movements. However befor e we consider the details of specific movement terminology let us look at some related motion terminology. Forms of Motion Virtually all human movements are a combination of movements occurring in different directions. In the next section we will see that these directions are actually referred to as planes and there are three cardinal planes, namely, sagittal, frontal, and transverse. Our movements are in fact quite complex since we have multiple actions contributing to any movement. In other words, we rarely perform an isolated movement with one limb that is confined to a particular plane. Our movements also involve both straight and rotational movements which we refer to as linear and angular motion. Thus our movements combine both linear and angular motion components. Both linear and angular are pure forms of motion in their isolated state but most of our movements are not isolated. Therefore, since our movements require multiple joints and limbs to act together we also refer to a combination term as general movement. The basic definition for linear motion is motion along a straight line or a curved line with all body parts moving in the same direction at the same speed. If you think about this youll realize this would be quite difficult because when a human runs, their arms and legs are swinging back and forth and the trunk simply moves forward. Therefore, we use some other terms to describe motion. Rectilinear: motion a long a straight line. Imagine a skater gliding on the ice. All body parts are moving at same speed through same range of motion. Curvilinear: motion along a curved line. Imagine the flight path of a javelin after release. Angular: motion involving rotation around a fixed point. This is actually the type of motion that most of our limbs go through as we move. The difference between angular and curvilinear is that with angular motion any point on the rotating body is always the same distance from the axis of rotation. General: this is a combination motion involving any two or more of the above types of motion. Review Questions: Types of motion 1. Provide a one-word definition and provide two examples of the following (try to use different example from those previously used, or that I gave you): a. Motion along a straight line: b. Motion around a central/fixed point: c. A complex combination of linear and angular motion: d. Motion along a varied path: 2. Fit the following into motion categories: a. A skimming stone on the lake: Curvilinear b. A javelin throw (be careful): Curvilinear c. Skater gliding on the ice: Rectilinear d. A car accelerating on the highway: Rectilinear e. A car decelerating on the highway: Rectilinear f. A plane taking off: Curvilinear g. A 10M platform dive: General h. A soccer kick: Angular 3. In your own words provide a definition for each type of motion we discussed. Basic Terminology In order to correctly describe a movement pattern and end up in a specific position, there needs to be an agreed upon starting position for all basic movements. This agreed upon starting position is referred to as the Anatomical Reference Position. Anatomical Reference Position (AP) This AP is an erect (upright) standing position with feet about shoulder width apart and the palms of the hand facing forward. All body parts are facing forward in the AP position (Please see figure 1.) If you assume this standing position you will notice it is not a natural, relaxed standing position as you must turn your palms outwards. You will notice that you palms naturally want to turn inwards towards your thighs. If you stand in this position with your hands forward it is referred to as the fundamental standing position. It is essentially the same as the anatomical reference position except the palms face inwards. (See figure 2.) When our bodies are in the anatomical reference position, we consider our joints and body parts to be in the neutral or zero degrees position. Therefore, any movement from this AP constitutes a rotation around some joint. The movement away from the AP is then classified or named appropriately. All of the motion that occurs will occur in one (or a combination) of the planes of motion we described earlier in the chapter, i.e., sagittal, frontal, or transverse. Therefore, we can learn body movements according to the plane of motion in which they occur. For example, any extension movement usually occurs in the sagittal plane, abduction or adduction movements occur in the frontal plane and rotational movements occur in the transverse plane. There are numerous types of movement. Lets take a look at these movements according to the plane in which they occur and then we can look at some movements with unique terms due to their particular association with a specific joint. Cardinal Reference Planes Now that we have an agreed starting position we need to look at dividing the body into sections or segments. Some of these segments, such as upper and lower body, will be reviewed later in the chapter. We divide the body into segments so that we can more accurately describe the direction of movements or actions. In the human body we refer to these as cardinal reference planes. These planes are all imaginary lines. A plane is a two dimensional surface with orientation defined by spatial coordinates. Each plane has a corresponding axis around which movements in that plane take place. Having this arrangement allows us further clarity in describing movements. There are three planes in the body that correspond to the three dimensions of space. The orientation is such that each plane is perpendicular to the other two. There is also a relationship between the intersection of these planes and the center of gravity of the body. Since each plane bisects the body, it therefore must pass through the center of gravity. Thus, the center of gravity is defined as that point where the three planes intersect each other. The line of gravity which is slightly different from the center of gravity is simply a vertical line that passes through the center of gravity. Insert figure of planes. Note: All planes could be shown in same figure. A plane is simply a flat surface that divides the body into two parts. All planes are also imaginary lines that divide the body. The sagittal plane is an imaginary line that divides the body vertically into right and left halves of equal mass. This plane is also sometimes referred to as the anteroposterior plane. The imaginary line runs from the front (anterior) to the back (posterior) and also from the top (superior) to the bottom (inferior) of the body. (Please see figure 3.) If you can imagine cutting a bagel in half so you have two semi-circle halves, this would be a sagittal plane cut. Certain movement types, such as flexion and extension movements, are examples of movements occurring in the sagittal plane. These movement patterns will be discussed in more detail later. Sagittal Plane Movements Extension a straightening movement resulting in an increased joint angle. Bones move apart. Flexion a bending movement that results in a decreased joint angle. Bones move closer together. Hyperextension a straightening movement where joint extends beyond starting or neutral position. Unique Sagittal Plane Movements Dorsi Flexion flexion movement of the ankle where the top of the foot moves toward the anterior tibia. Plantar Flexion extension movement of the ankle where the toes move away from the body (pointing your toes). The frontal plane divides the body vertically into front and back halves of equal mass. This plane is also sometimes referred to as the lateral or coronal plane and runs side to side dividing the body into anterior and posterior parts. (See figure 4.) If you can imagine slicing your bagel in half to put in the toaster you would make the cut along the frontal plane. Certain movement types, such as abduction and adduction movements, are examples of movements occurring in the frontal plane. These movement patterns will be discussed in more detail later. Frontal Plane Movements Primary Abduction movement away from the body Adduction movement towards the body For example performing a jumping back would require both of these movements Specialized Lateral flexion of the trunk right/left Radial/ulnar deviation (wrist) Elevation/depression (scapula) Inversion/eversion (subtalar foot) The transverse plane is the final plane and divides the body into top (superior) and bottom (inferior) halves of equal mass. It is sometimes referred to as the horizontal plane and runs from side to side and anterior to posterior. Most actions that involve rotation of the whole body (or part of it) occur in the transverse plane. For example, throwing a discus or executing a tennis serve are examples of movements in the transverse plane. Other specific movements also exist. Certain movement types, such as supination and pronation movements, are additional examples of movements occurring in the transverse plane. These movement patterns will be discussed in more detail later. Transverse Plane Movements Primary Internal (medial) rotation External (lateral) rotation Specialized Right/left rotation (head, neck and trunk) Supination/pronation (forearm and whole body) Horizontal adduction/flexion (shoulder joint) Horizontal abduction/extension (shoulder joint) Note 1: All sagittal planes are perpendicular to all frontal planes which, in turn, are perpendicular to all transverse planes. Note 2: One can make many sagittal plane, or frontal plane or transverse plane dissections through the body, but only those that dissect the center of gravity or the mid-point are referred to as cardinal planes. Cardinal Axes Any time a joint moves it moves in a particular plane or combination of planes. At the same time the joint in question is also rotating around an axis. The axis refers to the type of movement of the joint and is directly related to the plane of movement. So, the cardinal axes refer to lines that are perpendicular to a particular cardinal plane. Therefore a movement that occurs in a particular plane always occurs in the same axis, so it is a good idea to learn planes and axes in pairs. The transverse axis is always associated with the sagittal plane. Imagine an axis running perpendicular to the sagtittal plane. It sometimes helps to visualize movements. For example, if someone were to perform a leg extension exercise, this movement would be in the sagittal plane. If you were to insert a bar through the knee and still allow the motion to occur it would have to be placed in the anteroposterior axis, in other words, inserted from the side. This would allow the perpendicular axis to be performed. (See figure ?.) Other terms used for this axis include lateral, medial, or somersault axis. Using the same logic we can now determine the positioning of the axis for the frontal and transverse planes. All frontal plane movements occur in the anteroposterior axis. (This is sometimes called the sagittal, or cartwheel axis.) Using our visual and a cartwheel, we can see the wheel rotates around an axis that would go through the belly somewhere from front to back. (See figure?) All transverse plane movements occur in the longitudinal axis (or vertical or twist axis). This axis runs from top to bottom or the length of the body segment. Again using the visual of a figure skater doing a pirouette, the pirouette takes place in the transverse plane with a longitudinal axis. Therefore the axis runs through the body from top to bottom. (See figure?) Try these practice problems Planes of Motion 1. Identify three simple movements that occur predominantly in each of the following planes: a: sagittal b: frontal c: transverse 2. Identify three different movement actions that occur in each axis: a: transverse b: anterioposterior c: longitudinal 3. Give the names of the planes and axes in which the following motions occur! a. Stepping up a step? Sagittal, transverse axis. b. Side step with the right leg? Frontal, s anteroposterior axis. c. Shaking your head no? Transverse, longitudinal axis. d. Straight sit-up? Sagittal, transverse axis. e. Side bending of the trunk? Frontal, anteroposterior axis. f. Cartwheel? Frontal, anteroposterior axis. g. Throwing a discus? Transverse, longitudinal axis. h. Throwing a dart? Sagittal, transverse axis. The Plane-Axis Relationship So remember, if we learn our planes and axis in pairs we will easily remember that: All sagittal plane movements occur in the transverse axis! All frontal plane movements occur in the anteroposterior axis! All transverse plane movements occur in the longitudinal axis! This consistent relationship between planes and axis allows you to remember planes and axis more easily. If you can identify either the plane or the axis for a particular movement then you will automatically have figured out the other (provided you remember the pairing). For example, if one evaluates the movement plane and axis of the bicep curl you might easily determine that the movement plane is sagittal. If you identify this correctly then the axis of rotation is automatically the transverse axis. Movement Plane Ãâà automatic Ãâà Axis of rotation Sagittal Transverse Frontal Anteroposterior Transverse Longitudinal An additional way to help identify planes and axis is to remember that certain anatomical movements are usually associated with a corresponding plane and axis. For example, flexion and extension movements occur in the sagittal plane around the transverse axis. Abduction and adduction occur in the frontal plane around the anteroposterior axis and finally, rotational movements like pronation and supination occur in the transverse plan around the longitudinal axis. We will look more specifically at these movement actions in the next section. Basic Movement Pattern Terminology In each of the three planes several distinct movement patterns occur. However, what is lacking in these descriptive terms is any reference to direction. In other words, if someone performs arm flexion, we dont really know the direction. For that reason we have numerous other terms that we refer to as anatomical directional terminology that provide us with more detailed information about the orientation of a particular movement. These terms have clear cut word root origins. If you can learn these word root meanings, you will be able to piece together the meanings for most of these terms. There are some unique terms like ventral (relating specifically to the belly or abdomen) which youll just have to learn. The list below contains the relevant terms you you learn. Anatomical Directional Terminology I Can you fill in the meaning of each term? Anterior: Front Anteroinferior: Front below Anterolateral: Front side Anteromedial: Front middle Anteroposterior / Anterosuperior: Front rear/ front top Contralateral: Opposite side Distal: Away from origin Dorsal: Back Inferior: (infra) Below Ipsilateral: Same side Lateral: side Medial: Midline Posterior: behind Posteroinferior: / Posterolateral: Behind below/ behind beside Posteromedial: / Posterosuperior: Behind inside/ behind upper Prone: Face down Proximal: Near origin Superior: Above Supine: Face up Ventral: Relating to the belly or abdomen (can also be use mean deep). Anatomical Directional Terminology II Below are some other terms that fall into a general category. Protraction: forward movement of the shoulder girdle away from the spine. Retraction: backward movement of the shoulder girdle away from the spine. Horizontal abduction: movement of the humerus in the horizontal plane away from the midline. Horizontal adduction: movement of the humerus in the horizontal plane towards the midline Opposition of the thumb: diagonal movement of the thumb across the palmar surface. Upward rotation: Superior movement of the shoulders. Lateral flexion: sideways bending. Hyperextension: Extension beyond normal resting position. Cervical rotation: turning your head left or right. Plane specific movements Sagittal plane movements Dorsiflexion: bringing the top of your foot towards your lower leg. Plantarflexion: extending or planting your foot (pointing your toes away from you). Frontal plane movements Elevation: moving your shoulder girdle (blades) upwards/superior. Depression: moving your girdles downwards/inferior. Eversion: rotating the sole of your foot outwards. Inversion: rotating the sole of your foot inwards. Radial deviation: rotating your hand at the wrist towards your thumb (like hitchhiking). Transverse plane movements Supination: outward rotation of the forearm so palm faces outwards or upwards. Pronation: opposite of supination where forearm rotates so palm faces downward or inwards. Ulnar deviation: rotating your hand towards your ulna (opposite of radial deviation). Whole body Movement Terminology In this category we can consider other terms that apply more generally. Circumduction: circular movement of a body segment. Circumduction involves flexion, extension, abduction and adduction. Reduction: a return to the normal resting position. Review Problems: Directional terminology 1. What is the term when one stands erect with palms facing outward? Anatomical reference position From this position what do you call the movement when you:- 2. Bend your elbow from a fully straight to a 90o bent position? Elbow flexion 3. Maintain the 90o elbow bent position, but turn your palm down? Pronation 4. Maintain the 90o elbow bent position, but turn your palm up? Supination 5. Maintain the 90o elbow bent position, keep your elbow touching your side, turn your arm out so your fingers are pointing directly away from your side? External/ lateral (outward) rotation 6. Maintain the 90o elbow bent position, keep your elbow touching your side, and turn your arm back so that your fingers are pointing directly forward? Internal/ medial (inward) rotation 7. Straighten your elbow? Extension 8. Move your arm laterally away from your side until it is parallel to the floor? Abduction 9. Move your arm back down to your side? Adduction 10. Turn your head to the right? 11. Bend forward at the waist? 12. Return to starting position? Review questions: Synonyms Give the synonyms that are used for ankle, spine, and wrist movements in the following list. Also describe using the rule of three and identify the primary cardinal axis! Ankle 1. Dorsiflexion? Foot flexion 2. Plantarflexion? Foot extension Spine 3. Flexion? Bending forward 4. Extension? Standing up 5. Lateral flexion?Bending to side Wrist 6. Radial deviation? Lateral deviation 7. Ulnar deviation? Medial deviation 8. Can you think of any other anatomical movement synonyms? The Rule of Three: Motion Bone Joint The rule of three is a simple anatomical guideline for describing a movement pattern. It allows us to describe a movement in a specific order sequence to allow accurate movement. In the rule of three we refer to the movement type first, for example, flexion or extension. Secondly, we refer to the bone that moves. Thirdly, we refer to the joint around which the action occurs. Hence, we refer to the movement in this sequenced order, i.e., movement Ãâà bone Ãâà joint. Using this approach really helps with the clarification of particular movement. Look at this example. If you asked your friend to extend their leg they could actually do a couple of things and still extend their leg. They could: Lift their entire leg straight out in front. Push their entire leg straight back. Sit on a chair and straighten out the lower leg. So you see there are several options and it can become confusing. If we use the rule of three we can give very specific instructions. For this movement sequence we would actualy say, Extend your (right) leg at the knee, which would require they perform a knee extension action described in #3 above. This way there is no lack of clarity around which movement is needed. You try the following: Lets use the data from above again. Describe the following movements using the rule of three. The first one is done for you. Start in the AP position. It might be a good idea to briefly define the rule of three here first. From this position how do you describe the movement when you:- 1. Bend your elbow from a fully straight to a 90o bent position? The correct answer is flexion of the forearm at the elbow not flexion of the elbow. 2. Maintain the 90o elbow bent position, but turn your palm down? 3. Maintain the 90o elbow bent position, but turn your palm up? 4. Maintain the 90o elbow bent position, keep your elbow touching your side, and turn your arm out so that your fingers are pointing directly away from your side? 5. Maintain the 90o elbow bent position, keep your elbow touching your side, and turn your arm back so that your fingers are pointing directly forward? 6. Straighten your elbow? 7. Move your arm laterally away from your side until it is parallel to the floor? 8. Move your arm back down to your side? 9. Turn your head to the right? 10. Bend forward at the waist? 11. Return to starting position? Conclusion In this chapter we have reviewed planes of motions, axis of rotations, the rule of three and some basic anatomical reference terminology. We have also learned that when describing movements we assume a universal starting position that is referred to as the anatomical reference position where one stands erect with hand by ones a side and palms facing inwards. Humans move in one, or a combination of three planes of movement and they are the sagittal, frontal, or transverse planes. Each movement in these planes is associated with the same axis of rotation, either transverse, anteroposterior, or longitudinal. There is a plane-axis relationship whereby each plane of motion is always associated with the same axis of rotation and this allows us to remember the planes and axis more easily. When we describe human movement we also use what is called the rule of three. In the rule of three we describe movement using the sequence of bone, movement, and joint. Using this approach a bicep curl wou ld be flexion of the forearm and the elbow. Using this basic language and the above guidelines we can ore accurately describe human movements. You will notice that there is often more than one term to describe a particular movement. Over the years different terminology has evolved and it is wise to learn the different terms that imply the same thing. For example, external rotation is the same as lateral rotation. In this text we provide you with the most accurate terms first but we will provide the alternative terminology where appropriate.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Project Time Management Essay
This essay on project management will briefly give a proper description of the project management and what it entails. It will further discuss all the tasks that are normally involved in proper time management. The major focus of this particular essay will be on the time constraint and how time can be properly managed and the general importance of managing time in IT projects. It will then be concluded by giving reasons as to why project managers should actually have their projects well managed especially in the time part of it if at all he would want to realize success at the end of the projects. Introduction Project management is that discipline that is concerned with planning, organization and resource management to bringing a specific project to a successful completion of its major objectives and goals (Baker, 2000). The major challenge of managing projects is to achieve its set objectives and goals while at the same time adhering to the constraints of project management which are normally scope, time, quality and budget. The secondary challenge is normally the optimization of the allocation and to integrate the necessary inputs in such a way that the pre-defined objectives may be met. A project may be well defined as set of different or even similar activities that make use of available resources such as money, materials, people, space and many others to achieve the set project goals and objectives. According to Conn, M (2007) the job of managing a project is quite often the major responsibility of an individual person who in this case is the project manager or the project management team. In most cases the project manager seldom takes part in a direct way in the various activities that will produce the final result, but rather he will strive to make sure that the general progress and the mutual interaction between his workers is well maintained so that the overall risk of the project failing is reduced or eradicated. The manager of a project is often an ambassador of his clients and therefore the needs of his clients are well determined and implemented by the project manager and this is usually based on the kind of enterprise they are representing. In any given field, the project manager should be able to envision the whole project that is from start to finish. He should also have the ability to ensure that the vision is realized by the project. This clearly tells someone that before you become a project manager, one should make sure that he is well informed and be ready to listen to the needs of clients which in most cases they are varied. Just like any other human undertaking, all projects have to be done and delivered through some well known constraints. Traditionally, the constraints are listed as time, scope and scope. These constraints are better known as the triangle of project management, where constraints are represented by each side of the triangle. This particular essay will have its major focus on the time constraint of project management (Cable, D. 2004). Project time management Project time management basically means the planning of the processes and organization of resources in a project to ensure its well-timed completion. The management of time is an important skill that is very critical and any project manager should have this vital skill. From surveys done by scholars on project management, the survey reports claim that most of the successful project managers have the history of completing their projects within their stipulated time and the project budget. Project failure from the past may have been caused by lack or absence of schedule management that is, defining, scheduling and implementing these tasks or activities that are to be undertaken by the steering team or manager. In the present world, there are so many softwares that project managers can use in time or schedule management within a project (Brooks, 2001). Tasks in a project The first task in a project time management is the activity definition. Here the main activities in the project are defined so that the management team knows what they are dealing within as the progress goes on. In preparation of the project schedule, the manager of the project should be fully aware of the content of each given tasks that are involved in the project, the length of time the task will require to be completed, the kind of resources that the tasks will need and the exact order the tasks should be done. The project manager should know that each of the said elements normally will have direct bearing on the time or schedule of the project. And if the project manager omits certain tasks then the project stands higher chances of not being completed. Once more, if a manager of a task does not take seriously the amount of required resources or the length of time required for a particular task then the project manager stands higher chances of missing the time schedule for his project. The time schedule can also be missed or rather be blown if the project manager makes a bad sequencing of the project tasks. While project schedule can be build by either listing, in a particular order, all the important tasks that have to be completed in some specific manner. This task is often referred to as activity sequencing. Assigning of order and specific duration in which it should occur in every given task will also help the project management team a great deal. After assigning of this sequence requirement project management team should now allocate all the required resources for that particular task. This should be followed by determining the tasks that should first be completed (predecessors) and determining the tasks should be completed last (successors) and this is normally a pretty simple exercise. Normally difficulties do arise in managing project schedule. In most cases the difficulty will arise when there is not enough time and resources for the proper completion of the tasks of a given project sequentially. It is therefore advised that the given tasks in a project be overlapped in such a way that more than one task is attended to at the same time (Cable, 2004). The softwares that are commonly used in managing projects normally simplify the tasks that are involved in the creation and management of project schedules by handling all sorts of iterations in the time logic for the project manager. When all the required tasks have been put in an ordered list, then they have been well resourced and put in a correct sequence, the manager of the project will be able to notice that some of the laid down tasks are flexible in terms of start and finish dates. Such flexibility in project management is well known as float. And other tasks do not have any kind of flexibility at all and therefore are zero floats. Therefore any line through all the given tasks that have zero floats is referred to as the critical path. All the tasks that are found on the critical path, and there is possibility that there can be multiple of them, paths that are parallel, they must come to a completion on the stated time if the entire project has also to be completed on time. The key task of a project manager is time management and the management of the critical path (Cavendish, 2003). The project manager should however be aware of any items can be removed or even added in the critical path, this may be due to changing of circumstances that may occur during the project execution. Regardless of how well a project manager manages his time schedule and the available resources then the project manager would only have budget management as the only critical element left. At this particular point, it is therefore advised that all managers of different projects be fully aware of all the tasks that are involved in the projects that they are managing. This will enable them to have full control of every progress in the tasks and it will ensure that the project in progress is completed within the specified time in the budget (Clough, 2005). Importance of project time management Project time management is an important aspect of project management. The following are some of the major importance of project time management. Proper project time management will ensure that project managers deliver their projects within the stated time on the project budget. That means that time and good schedule management will always work to the advantage of the project manager in that the project manager will always be delivering his projects without unnecessary delays that are normally brought about by poor time management (Baker, 2000). Another importance of time management in an IT project is that the project manager will be in a very good position to allocate resources and everything that will be needed in that particular project because when time is managed properly, the manager will be able to tell all that will required by specific tasks in the project. This will have a very positive impact on the IT project in that time will be well managed and resources well allocated and the end result will completion of the project in good time (Cohn, 2007). With time management in a project, the project manager will be able to plan everything that will have to take in every step. And this is one of the most vital things of time management that most managers of different projects agree upon. Effective management of time in projects often motivates the participating team members in such a way that they will always be willing to actively involved in planning the project. Involvement of the fellow members of the team in planning for the project will definitely increase the chances of the project realizing success. Time management will help the project manager to have his deadlines set. Normally projects should be done within a set period of time, but deadlines most of the times if not so well planned become unrealistic. With proper project time management skills together with skilled project manager, proper and realistic deadlines will be set which will ensure that a sense of urgency has been inducted into the team members. Again, the use of project time management skills in managing IT projects will ensure that the project manager keeps good track of the progress of the project and he will also be able to make priorities in his own work (Duane, 2007). Another important task in time project management is the scheduling of the project activities in the order that they should occur. This is very vital because it defines the activities to be prioritized and the trailing ones. This helps in determining the most important step from the less important step at any given time. Project time management is an important tool in project management in such a way that it helps the manager of the project to sift and sort out ideas concerning the progress of the project before the manager of the project commits himself in allocating resources. This is normally achieved by having objective criteria for his project selection and this will enable the manager to only approve those projects that are on priority (David, 2000). Conclusion Drawing from the essay, it can be said that it is very important for a project manager to be fully aware of what his project entails. Putting down all the activities in an ordered list or manner will help in time allocation of the various activities in the project. Using all the available tools of project management, a project manager will be able to deliver his projects on time since his work will be well planned. Meeting the deadlines in project management is the most important thing and using project time management is the only way towards achieving it.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Donor card
ââ¬Å"Sleep after toil, port after stormy seas, / Peace after war, death after life, / does greatly please. â⬠This is a phrase by Edmund Spenser, a 16th-century poet. He asserted death to be a ââ¬Å"pleasantâ⬠thing. But it is not the case for many of us. Death is not so easy. In fact, we are afraid of its pain. In fact, we are afraid of its loneliness. In fact, we are afraid of its irrevocability. And it is much more scary if we feel all those agonies even ââ¬Å"afterâ⬠our death. I am not going to write about horror movies however, but a true story of brain death. And through the arguments, I want you to realize the significance of the decision: whether to own a donor card. Donor cardâ⬠¦ I guess most of you already know about it. Thanks to that card, you can save other people without any special skills by providing your organs. That is wonderful. When you watch a moving story of transplantation on a TV program, you may have a feeling that you, too, want to be like that ââ¬Å"warm-heartedâ⬠donor. Especially, in case of heart transplantation, the donor must be a ââ¬Å"brain-deadâ⬠person, who can no longer maintain life but still has a beating heart. If you are wanted and cannot live anyway, you may think you have a clear resolution. However, remember that you always have to pay something if you try to save others. So let me remind you that the ââ¬Å"warm-heartedâ⬠donor is a ââ¬Å"warm-blood-runningâ⬠dead body. Into a soft and warm body, a knife cuts in, and organs are taken out. If that is all, it may not be a problem. But, the body moves, sheds tears, and even has a possibility of feeling pain. That is the reality. It may be only a spinal reflex, but may not be, too. And it may be only a possibility, but may not be, too. The diagnosis by doctors may be done in a right way, but any human-made criteria and human-performed examinations must not always be perfect. There is a fact that the donor is often anesthetized during the extraction, so that the body will not disturb doctors by moving around. Once we are misjudged in the court of death, we can never be allowed to appeal again. And even if the judgment is done in justice, the prosecution itself is fatal in this court. Once doctors start to examine if you are brain-dead or not, they will try it again and again literally till your death. Needless to say, during that testing, you cannot receive appropriate treatments for your recovery, which means, you are locked in the death court until your tombstone gets upon you. In old days, death was something absolute. We got it suddenly by divine will and we could easily tell if someone was dead or alive. However, today human beings refuse the will with their well-developed technologies. As a result, now they have got an extremely significant role of defining ââ¬Å"death. If someone's brain is dead but heart is alive, is he or she totally dead or not? At what point do we regard the brain to be ââ¬Å"dead? â⬠More fundamentally, what is death indeed? Actually, we can never be sure of the answers. They are beyond our capacity. But we have decided to make the answers. So, today our death is human-made. Contrary to such an obscure definition of death, I have an obvious vision for death. I do not want my last moment to be in an agony of organ extraction. I do not want to admit my family's death when they are still moving. I do not want to leave my death to anyone's discretion. I want nobody to face any unexpected misery. And I am sure that I am not the only one. I know that I am a human being who should equally be saved as the recipients. To make my death like peace after war, I do deny writing my will to be a donor. But still, that is my opinion. The important thing is that you get interested in the issue. Today, you can easily get a donor card. But the action must not be easy. To be a guarantor of life, you must take the risk it deserves. And after distress and uneasiness, torment and bewilderment, if you still reach a conclusion of saving others, you should be proud of your devotion. If you reach a conclusion of saving yourself, you should be proud of your cautiousness. If you do not reach a conclusion, you should be proud of your sincerity to life. If you have never thought about this issue, you can start thinking from this moment. Do you really want to help others? Can you be responsible enough for your decision? How can you make your death after life most pleasant?
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Questions On Authentic Assessment And Quality Assessment...
For your paper, respond to the following: 1. What you know understand about authentic assessment? 2. Why the term ââ¬Å"authenticâ⬠? 3. What kinds of assessments are authentic? Why? 4. What are rubrics and what role do they play in authentic assessment? 1. Authentic assessment Authentic assessment is a type of alternative assessments. It evaluates studentsââ¬â¢ learning progress and achievement through performing tasks that enhance and resemble language use in real-life settings. According to Oââ¬â¢Malley and Valdes Pierce (1996), ââ¬Å"the key requirement of an authentic assessment is that it requires the test taker to demonstrate that they are able to complete a particular task or tasks that resemble something that they are likely to have to do in real lifeâ⬠(As cited in Coombe, Purmensky Davidson, 2012, p. 148). Authentic assessment is also referred to as performance assessment, alternative assessment, and direct assessment (Mueller, 2005). It is known as performance assessment because it allows students to perform meaningful tasks. It is an alternative assessment because it suggests an alternative way to the traditional standardized assessment. Last, it is known as a direct assessment because its results are directly linked to studentsââ¬â¢ knowledge and skills in real-life settings. In other words, it provides direct evidence of studentsââ¬â¢ learning progress. However, it is necessary to note that authentic assessments should not substitute the traditional assessment but usedShow MoreRelatedThe Performance Of The Spring Concert1675 Words à |à 7 PagesAchievement in band is often judged by the bandââ¬â¢s performance at concerts. Concerts are typically considered the culminating event of the class. Students, parents, and teachers alike judge the quality of learning by the qualit y of performance. 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